The Portland City Council will discuss or authorize the spending of $8,180,222. It will accept a grant in the amount of $250,000.
Things to note:
Item #101 — Adds a “Peer Review Fee” to Bureau of Development Services. BDS studied the “need and rationale for the Peer Review Fee.”
Item #103 – Authorizes an Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro to develop “a Preferred Alternative Package, Locally Preferred Alternative and Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the Southwest Corridor Plan” and “fund the City share of the local partner agency contribution.” The city’s share is $500,00, with another $150,000 set aside for City staff. The Southwest Corridor Plan is about transit to Tigard, Sherwood, and Tualatin. Late last year, Council approved $660,000 to study a massive tunnel under the West Hills. Just as an aside — if we don’t have money for paving and children are walking to school in ditches, where are we going to find the millions and millions to fund a new transit system down the Southwest Corridor?
Item #112 — Introduces the infrastructure spending plan as announced by Commissioner Fritz on January 22nd. This plan would direct council to devote certain percentages of discretionary revenue that exceeds budgeted amounts to infrastructure spending for the bureaus of Transportation and Parks & Recreation, and Public Safety Systems.
Item #114 — Authorizes the City Attorney to sue the crap out of Pabst for creating and using a logo for their summer music festival last year because they say it looks too much like the old White Stag sign that is now owned by the City of Portland.
More on the story here.
There is no mention of the City of Portland suing Budweiser for their use of this logo.
Item #116 — is about poop. Lots of poop. $3,250,000 of “biosolids” if you want to get technical.
Item #117 — is also about biosolids, but in the form of moving it through the sewers.
Item #118 — The City is looking for a vendor to do the Public Alerts. Interesting note on this one? “7. The Bureau’s confidence level in the estimated cost is medium.” Because the current contract runs out in August, 2015, this ordnance is considered an emergency and will be effective immediately after it’s passage.
Item #120 — Second reading for the kitchen/bathroom break room in the Pearl that the city is going to put together for streetcar operators. It makes us wonder where they take their potty breaks now.
Item #123 — Quickie on the Urban Renewal Amendments. First reading pushed off to February 26, 2015.
We invite your insights in the comments.